Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

What is a chemical peel? 

A chemical peel, also known as chemexfoliation, is used to improve skin condition. A chemical peel is a non-invasive procedure (think of professional peels as a more intense version of at-home chemical exfoliators). Depending on the intensity of the peel, these formulas can fade age spots, soften fine lines, and leave the skin looking significantly younger. Like any skincare treatment, peels are not one-size fits all. They come in a range of intensities with different active ingredients, including salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and trichloroacetic acid. These ingredients fasten cellular turnover at different depths.  


What conditions does a chemical peel treat? 

Chemical peels are used to treat certain skin conditions or to improve appearances. This procedure can help to eliminate fine lines, mild wrinkles and keratoses that appear as scaly spots caused by sun damage, aging, and hereditary factors.

Chemical peels are performed on the face, neck, back or hands. They can help reduce: 

  • Certain types of acne 
  • Mild scarring 
  • Sun spots/ Age spots/ Liver spots 
  • Freckles 
  • Melasma (Dark patches) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills  
  • Chemical peels can also help skin that is dull in texture and color. 
How do they work? 

As we age, our cellular turnover slows down (which is why you might notice a duller complexion with every year).  Chemical Peels can speed up the process by manually shedding dead cells. All peels contain active chemical exfoliants (usually an acid – AHA or BHA). Once the peel is applied, the chemical exfoliator goes to work, breaking up dull, dead skin cells and removing them. Once that layer of skin sheds, younger-looking skin takes its place. 


Are they right for me? 

If you’re seeking for smoother and radiant skin, you could be a candidate for a chemical peel (if fading deep-set wrinkles is your objective, you probably won’t be satisfied with your results.) Be sure to tell our aesthetic doctor if you have any open cuts and/or frequent cold sore outbreaks, abnormal skin pigmentation, or keloid scars, recent sunburn, or on any acne medication.  

What outcome can I expect after treatment? 

Immediately post-peel, your skin will likely look flushed like a sunburn, depending on the intensity of the peel formula. For light peels, expect to see full results about a week post-procedure. The deeper the peel, the longer the healing process (one to two weeks) — and the more drastic the results. It is necessary to avoid over-exposure to the sun after a chemical peel since the new skin is fragile and more susceptible to complications. For light peels, you will need multiple treatments to garner full results, though skin will look more radiant after a single session. Medium and deep peels only require a single treatment to elicit fresher-looking skin — often for years to come. 





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