Pink Intimate Treatment

Pink Intimate Treatment

Pink Intimate System

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment

What is the Pink Intimate System?
Pink Intimate System is the ideal non-invasive solution to regain the youthfulness and firmness, lost over the years, of external vaginal tissues.
The innovative system is the first peel that lifts, whitens and rejuvenates the intimate areas allowing each woman to feel more positive about her body, not only improving self-confidence but also improve intimacy during intercourse.

Pink Intimate System contains :

  • stabilized monochloroacetic acid to lift and rejuvenate the tissue in a non-traumatic way without irritation
  • enhanced kojic acid to whiten tissues in depth
  • nutrient and biostimulating factors to reactivate natural regeneration processes
  • bisabolol and glycyrrhetinic acid to soften and reduce physiological irritations.

Pink Intimate System is safe and effective, and results are guaranteed after simply applying the product during one session. It doesn’t require any special precautions for use and the procedure is quick and gentle.

Pink Intimate System may be used on the following body areas :

  • mons pubis
  • labia majora
  • perianal region (whitening)
  • inguinal area (whitening)
  • areola area
  • underarms
  • lower butt



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