BTL Vanquish Me

BTL Vanquish Me

VANQUISH ME – A Breakthrough Never Imagined Possible
  • Consistent and measurable results
  • Scientifically proven and clinically tested
  • No anesthesia or pain medication
  • Short comfortable session
  • Treat large area each time


The ground-breaking design of energy delivery helps target the thermal effect into the deep tissue while protecting surrounding layers. Frequencies employed are best matched with the impedance of deep tissue and specifically affect those layers


The treated body part is located in the high-frequency electric field. The temperature increases in the target tissue while the surrounding tissue remains protected from reaching high temperatures.

What is Vanquish Me procedure? How does it work?

Vanquish Me is a revolutionary, non-invasive Selective RF system designed to deliver energy to your body to eliminate fat cells. Vanquish Me device eliminates unwanted fat cells without even touching your body. It selectively delivers energy to fat with virtually no risk of overheating the skin, muscles or internal organs.  The treatment causes the natural death of fat cells (Apoptosis), proven by scientific research. A trustworthy brand on how to lose weight, Vanquish Me procedure was clinically tested and cleared.

Who is a candidate for the Vanquish Me?

A fat reduction treatment, suitable for patients who wants to remove unwanted fat and the perfect solution on how to lose weight. Vanquish Me is not a weight loss treatment for people who are obese, or a substitute for surgical methods such as liposuction or gastric bandage.

How long does each treatment last and how many treatments will I need?

You will receive 4 to 6 treatments. Once every week with treatment lasting 45 minutes.

What are the side effects?

Vanquish Me is a safe treatment on how to lose weight and has been scientifically tested on the abdomen and love handles, proven to be safe and effective. There is no pain associated with the Vanquish Me treatments. During therapy you will feel a mild to moderate heat sensation. Side effect are minimal and include mild redness, warmth and tissue tenderness.

What will the treatment feel like?

You will be positioned comfortably with device placed over the treatment area. As the treatment progresses, you will feel mild to moderate heat sensation. Most patient relax or fall asleep during the weight loss treatment.

Can I return to my normal routine after treatments?

Yes, you may resume your normal routine after treatment. While some patient might experience mild redness and warmth after treatment, these side effects will last only minutes to hours and have no effect on your daily life. You may feel mild tenderness over the treated area for a few days.

When will I see results?

You may start to see improvement days after your first treatment. However, you will see greater results as early as 2 weeks after your final treatment. You may experience continued slimming as your body rid itself of fat cells.

Is diet and exercise required in order to see results?

No, treatment can be effective without strict diet or exercise regimen. However, patients are motivated to maintain healthier lifestyles once they receive Vanquish Me treatments. The only thing required to prepare your body for treatment is proper hydration. You will be asked to drink plenty of water the day before, the day of and the day after treatment. This will help rid excess fluid and toxins and aid in metabolic processes.

How long do the results last?

Your slimming result will last as long as you maintain your current weight and lifestyle and is your ultimate answer on how to lose weight.

What can I expect for results?

At the end of your treatment series you will see and feel a noticeable difference. Many patients are happier with the contour of their midsection as treatment significantly reduce love handles too. They report that their clothes feel looser around the waist is their problem solver on how to lose weight.

BTL Vanquish Flex




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