Subcision (Acne Scars)

Subcision (Acne Scars)

Subcision for Acne Scars

Depressed acne scars can be divided into 3 types, ice pick scars, rolling scars and boxcar scars. Acne that involved the deeper layer of the skin is more likely to have acne scars. This is due to the inflammatory process and formation of fibrous tissue that catches the superficial layer of the skin and pulling it downward resulting in a depressed acne scar.

What is subcision?

Subcision is a safe and effective treatment for acne scars. It is a minimally invasive procedure whereby a tiny cannula (with blunted end) is inserted underneath the skin to break off the fibrous tissue that is catching the superficial layer of the skin. When the superficial layer of the skin is no longer attached to the fibrous tissue, it will raise up thus minimizing the acne scar appearance. This procedure will also promote scar regeneration as the wound tissue will stimulate collagen production. A new healthy collagen form will further improve the acne scar.

How is the procedure performed?
  1. A single treatment takes about 20 to 30 minutes.
  2. During the procedure, local anaesthesia will be injected into the cannula insertion site.
  3. After the area is numbed, a small gauge needle is used to puncture the skin and act as an entry point for the cannula to enter the skin.
  4. A small cannula is then inserted in between the skin layers to break off the fibrous tissue that is pulling the skin downward.
What is the downtime:

There may be minimal swelling and redness after the procedure that last about 1 to 2 days. You can resume your daily routine right after the procedure.

How many sessions does a patient generally need?

You will notice the difference after the first session. However, 5 to 6 sessions are recommended with 2 weekly intervals.




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