Skinuva Brite


Medical Grade Pigmentation Cream
Skinuva Brite


Patented, revolutionary skin brightening cream for hyperpigmentation that uses Selective Synthetic Growth Factors

  • Patent pending
  • Clinically proven to help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation such as dark spots, discolouration on the face, and under-eye pigmentation.*
  • Gentle for all skin types*
  • Dermatologist tested*


patented, revolutionary skin brightening cream for hyperpigmentation that uses Selective Synthetic Growth Factors

Skinuva® Brite is a physician-designed and clinically tested skin brightening product that has been shown to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation such as dark spots and uneven tone on the face and body. Types of hyperpigmentation include melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, under eye hyperpigmentation and sun spots (solar lentigines). Skinuva® Brite does not contain hydroquinone, retinol, and silicone.

safe and effective non-hydroquinone (HQ) topical Cream

There has been a lack of safe and effective non-HQ products for treating hyperpigmentation. Skinuva Brite is a non-HQ growth factor-based product along with tranexamic acid and other ingredients, that has been shown to be nearly 30% more effective in improving hyperpigmentation than HQ 4% in our recent head-to-head clinical trial.

In recent clinical study, 0% of patients reported irritation or tolerability issues.

  • No harsh/strong smell
  • It is a moisturizer
  • Can be used twice a day, morning and night
  • Well tolerated for long-term, daily use
  • Cosmetics and sunscreen may be worn over
  • Suitable for all skin tones & types
  • Results may be seen as early as 30 days
  • Best results come with long-term use
  • Results may vary depending on severity of hyperpigmentation

Skinuva® Brite uses ingredients that have been shown to work through medical literature.*

  • Selective Synthetic Growth Factors: including Epidermal Growth Factors have been shown to help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
  • Tranexamic Acid: heavily backed by data, it helps minimize the appearance and recurrence of discolouration and stubborn brown patches with continued use.
  • Vitamin C: powerful antioxidant and also helps prevent melanin production.
  • Arbutin: found in bearberry plants and helps reduce hyperpigmentation
  • NiacinamideWater-soluble vitamin that has been shown to help reduce the appearance of skin discolouration
how to use

For optimal results, apply Skinuva twice a day on the area of pigmentation. Skinuva Brite can be applied indefinitely to optimize and maintain the even appearance of your skin tone and to help reduce the presence of any hyperpigmentation that you may notice. It can be safely used for long-term, daily use*.

  • Make sure the targeted area is clean and dry. Apply a thin film over the targeted area twice a day, morning and night.
Skinuva Brite Does Not Contain:
  • Hydroquinone
  • Retinol or other peeling agents/acids
  • Silicone
  • Parabens
  • Dyes



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